To my tribe
I have a list of things that I have planned to write about: the French cliches and truth in that, why it’s so hard for a TCK to ‘settle down’, mindfulness and gratitude (and the impact that can have – from my limited experience), why 30s are better than 20s… but I don’t feel like going into any of those subjects today.
Today I feel like writing about positive relationships.
It’s a fact (at least for me) that we are drawn to some people because of the ‘energy’ they have (sometimes we mistake that for who they actually are), that some people uplift us, just like some seem to feed off our energy… we all have good days and bad days, but when you are constantly trying to fix someone else’s problems, that’s not really a balanced and healthy relationship.
A good friend told me once that I am ‘an eagle’. I fly high (and maybe solitary), have a view of the ensemble, and my nest is on the peaks, protected.
A funny way and I actually felt a bit offended and sad when he gave me that description. Like he rightfully put it, I wanted to be seen as a parrot, colourful and chatty. But here I am, an eagle. Surrounded by a few, but damn good ones (as I see it) 🙂
I am more grounded and myself than I have ever been and more convinced that the choices I make have brought (and kept) the right people in my life.
It’s not that the people I CHOOSE to have in my life are positive and see life through pink glasses every day, it’s that they see who I am (even when I may have not been able to see it myself) and slowly guide me to be better. They don’t add to the chaos, destabilise… and make me lose myself. On the contrary.
It’s the people that have called and messaged on a dark December night…
I have managed to find those that may not have the same upbringing (as in TCK) but have the same values, the same open-mindedness and owe at life and everything that’s beautiful. I have a little tribe, spread around the world… and we might not always have the same interests, the same political views… whatever it is… but we have the same humanity.
These people add value to my life, add colour, taste and music… they make this world a better place and me with it.
Here’s to you, my globe-spanning tribe!
To the friends that are our chosen family